iConnect Locations

There's an iConnect group for you, all are welcomed.

Ottawa - South Side

Burke's iConnect

Jeff and Janice Burke lead a fun group of believers on Wednesday nights from 6-8pm. They kick things off with a pot-luck style meal together before gathering in the family room for teaching and discussion.


The Burke's iConnect location is at 1830 2736th Rd on Ottawa's South side

Ottawa - North Side

Holverson's iConnect

Paul and Karen Holverson lead a strong group composed primarily of mature Christians, but would warmly welcome anyone who would like to share fellowship with them in the relaxed atmosphere of their home. They spend time each week lifting one another up in prayer and sharing life experiences related to the study of God’s Word. Their iConnect gathers on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm with light refreshments.



The Holverson's iConnect location is easily found at 3330 N. State Rt. 23 on the North Side of Ottawa

Mitchell's iConnect

Pastor Ray and Jody lead a great mix of new and seasoned believers, couples and families with young children. and it starts 7:00pm.


The Mitchell's iConnect meets at Praise Center Assembly in the classroom located on the upper level.

Ottawa - North West

Leipold's iConnect

Bud and Linda Leipold host an energetic group of both the young and old that is Co-lead by George and Debbie Roebuck. Light refreshments are served as Dr. George leads the teaching and discussion while Bud directs the discussion with the wide range of kids from little to big. All this excitement begins on Mondays at 6:30pm.


The Leipold's iConnect meets in their home found at 25 Greenbriar Dr. in Ottawa just off the I-80 south frontage road.