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Stand and See

Exodus 14:10-15

Stand and See

Exodus 14:8-13 (NASB)

8 The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he chased after the sons of Israel as the sons of Israel were going out boldly. 9 Then the Egyptians chased after them with all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen and his army, and they overtook them camping by the sea, beside Pi-hahiroth, in front of Baal-zephon.

10 As Pharaoh drew near, the sons of Israel looked, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they became very frightened; so the sons of Israel cried out to the Lord. 11 Then they said to Moses, “Is it because there were no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you dealt with us in this way, bringing us out of Egypt? 12 Is this not the word that we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, ‘Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians’? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.” 13 But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.


3 Reactions of Israel

  1. Fear
  2. Cried Out to God
  3. Questioned Moses' Leadership


Exodus 14:13-18 (NASB)

The Sea Is Divided

13 But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. 14 The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.”

15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward. 16 As for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the sons of Israel shall go through the midst of the sea on dry land. 17 As for Me, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will go in after them; and I will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army, through his chariots and his horsemen. 18 Then the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord, when I am honored through Pharaoh, through his chariots and his horsemen.”

Moses' instructions and god's provision

The Proper Response

  1. Do not fear
  2. Stand and See
  3. Go Forward

Psalm 27:1-3 (NASB)

A Psalm of Fearless Trust in God.

A Psalm of David.

27 The Lord is my light and my salvation;

Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the defense of my life;

Whom shall I dread?

28 When evildoers came upon me to devour my flesh,

My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.

29 Though a host encamp against me,

My heart will not fear;

Though war arise against me,

In spite of this I shall be confident.

my response

Identify your Pharaoh - What is it from your past that you are afraid of?

Trust in your deliverer - If He brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Keep moving forward - Don't get stuck in the mud of your fear, move forward by faith.